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Spirituality Page: Wheel of the Year: Beltane

Beltane: May 1

Beltane, or May Day, is one of the original Celtic festivals. It is also known as the Lover's Holiday. Beltane is the natural continuation of the planting season - crops planted earlier begin to sprout. According to the myths Beltane marks the wedding of the Goddess and the God and their coupling brings new life to the earth.

Beltane is primarily a sun festival and is most known for the kindling of the fires. The Irish Celts would extinguish all of their fires the night before, attend the ceremony, and bring back embers to once again light their fires.

Other traditions of Beltane include dancing around the May Pole, a fertility rite, and jumping over the Beltane fires for purification.

For more detailed information about Beltane, please read Gordon Ireland's article Beltane.

Beltane Articles

Beltane Fun

Beltaine Recipes

  • Ginger Crisps by Triddine
  • Beltane Surprise Bundles by Triddine
  • Gordon Ireland's Beltane article contains several recipes including:
    • Mead
    • Farls
    • Beltane Cream Pie
    • Oatcakes - Irish
    • Oatcakes - Scots
    • Irish Soda Bread
    • Sand Tarts (Old German Style)

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