
Spirituality Page: Essays and Articles
Beltane for Toddlers
By Triddine
© Triddine. Used with permission.
Children are reminders of our embodiment of the Sacred Union…the greater power, the God and Goddess...whatever it is that you live, believe and practice. Children, thankfully, have no preconceived notions of right and wrong. Teaching them that there is a time of the year (Beltane) that we celebrate fruitfulness of life, the mysteries of change, the earthliness of creation, and even the celebration of our "young shoots" themselves, tells them that they are one of the most important pieces of that Sacred Union.
Earth & Spirit
- Those little hands have wanted to get into your seedlings…there is a dirt ring around her mouth proving she already got there when you sneezed a second ago! The plants need to be transplanted anyway; with your help a little shovel and the bottom half of a milk carton your little one can make their first edible container garden! Edible flowers, and herbs? You know she'll try to put it in his mouth, so why not make that OK?
- Edible Flowers - my favorites, gardenia, Johnny jump-up, lemon verbena, pansy, snapdragon and violet.
Air & Spirit
- Circle dancing and weaving in and out create vibrant energy, fresh air into his little lungs and lots of laughter clear away the mental and physical "cob webs" bodies store over the winter.
- Lay on your backs and watch the clouds, what do they look like? Dragons and castles, a wrench and hammer, or something even more mundane - a sink full of dishes? (OK tell the truth, that was you thinking that, not your "little shoot")
- Talk to your lil' one about the power of the air, clouds and even your own breath, will she understand it all? NOPE - but then really do you understand "it all"?
Water & Spirit
- This one is EASY - water play is wonderful, and you can "Feed two birds with one crumb". Yes, get a bath and honor the elements! (Oh, and you can include your toddler too!)
- Puddle Jumping - just find a puddle and splash to your hearts content!
Fire & Spirit
- Live in the city? Just getting the fire alarm to go off by using your oven's broiler does not count as a fire! (But if you live in my house, it is a good sign that dinner is nearly done.)
- Full-blown Balefire not possible, practical or safe with your toddler? Cooking with fire is an ancient and tasty cooking method! While your toddler can't really help with the cooking, he can watch, bring your cooking implements and talk with you while you cook. Or heck, he can just run around like he usually does, and then taste the fruits of your labor, all smoky and good!
Spirit &...(just kidding)
Beltane, time of first greening (well it is here in New England) get yourself and your lil' one outside if possible! Our children are living breathing parts of Spirit, as are we all.