Spirituality Page: Chants and Songs

Throughout the Day

© Theresa Smith. Used with permission.

Author's Biography: Theresa has been nice enough to donate several articles and chants to PaganParenting.com

Here are some simple chants for children to use in everyday life.

Before meals or while preparing food for any meal or ritual

Thanks to the Earth, which gives these things
Each good for us in its own way
That our bodies may grow strong and straight
Blessed by the things we eat today.
So shall it be.

Upon leaving home on a trip, or maybe the first day of school etc.

I venture out now to a distant land
To see and learn and roam,
But always at my journey's end
I'll find my way back home.
So shall it be.

At Bath time

Blessed be the waters that wash away the soil
From my tired body worn with care and toil
That I may rise from them clean as new
As if bathed in pools of shining dew
So shall it be.

Before Bed

Lord and Lady in thy sight
I lay me down to sleep tonight
Please grant me deep and carefree sleep
And over me a vigil keep
That no harm shall come my way
Neither by darkness nor by day.
So shall it be.