Spirituality Page: Wheel of the Year: Imbolc

Imbolc: February 2

Imbolc, which signals the ending of winter, is also known as Brigid's Day, Imbolg, Candlemas, Midwinter and Lady Day. Imbolc is the halfway point between winter and spring. There are several signs this is happening: the snows recede, the days begin to get noticeably longer, animals stir from hibernation, and early plants and flowers, such as the crocus, begin to peek out of the ground even through the snow.

Imbolc has become to be known as a time for ritual purification, and is one of the four major Celtic Fire Festivals. Brigid is the goddess of fire. This includes the fire of the heart, the hearth and the forge. She is also known to watch over women in childbirth and she inspires us to write poetry and songs.

For more detailed information about Imbolc, please read Gordon Ireland's article Imbolc.

Imbolc Fun