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![]() Entertainment and Fun Page: StoriesThe Faery King© 10-26-00. DreamDancer. Used with permission. Author's Biography: DreamDancer posts stories to the internet when the mood strikes him and graciously gave his permission for any of his stories to appear on our pages. Young Sean just loved to walk, over hills and thru the woods, listening to the songs of the birds, and feeling the fresh breezes caress his face. Sean always tried to find new pathways, the better to explore his world. Many places looked much the same, but totally different in his eyes. On a sunny sunday morning, since he didn't have to go to school, and all his weekend chores being done yesterday, Sean was out the door as soon as it was light. On he walked, and on and on, over familiar trails, the sights not new, but special nonetheless. He came around a bend in the path, and to his right he saw, a seemingly new pathway, one he'd never seen before. Now, this bothered Sean, but just a little. Maybe he'd seen this path, and just forgot he had, but no matter his doubts, he knew deep down that he'd never walked this path before. Not having any other plans, and having the entire day as his, Sean decided to explore this new path. He didn't worry about becoming lost, since he knew the land, and his dad, a local guide, had taught him how to find his way, without a map or any other kind of tool. This path looked like any other, but as he got further along it, Sean was a bit excited to see, that while the trees and plants had the same shapes as others he'd seen, the colors seemed just a bit brighter, and the sounds of nature just a bit clearer, and he was sad that he'd never come this way before. Sean walked this path for many hours, often stopping to smell a flower, or just watch the little birds flit from branch to branch. The pathway went into an open field, right smack in the middle of the woods, and Sean was really suprised that he'd never come across this before, In fact, his dad, who knew every inch of these woods, having more years than Sean in which to explore, had never mentioned that it was here. In the center of the field was a small little hill, and he decided to go up and sit at the top for a while. From the top of the hill, Sean could see, at the other side of the field, a brook, slowly moving along, following the line of the trees. And the field itself, seen from this hill, stretched out like nothing more than a carpet of flowers and green grass, a sight seemingly designed to hold his eye. With the warm sun shining down on him, and the gentle breeze cooling his face, Sean soon became comfortable, and laid his head down for a little nap. It seemed to be not a minute or more since he had closed his eyes, when Sean felt something nudge against his foot. He looked down his body, and there before him, stood an ugly little gnome of a man, if a man he was, for he stood no more than three feet tall. Sean was startled, and leaped to his feet, crying out in alarm, and the ugly little man jumped back in fright. Now, Sean towered over this little man, and could see he was no threat. And he felt a little ashamed of himself for giving him such a scare. Sean squatted down a bit, and put a smile on his face. He knew how sometimes bigger folks made those smaller than themselves feel a bit uncomfortable. The ugly little man seemed to lose his fear, and he took a step back in Sean's direction, a curious look upon his face. "Ye gave me a good fright ye did lad. Wasn't expectin ye, see? An not often is it that ye big folks come an see us here. And quite a shock it was, to find ye sittin on me house". And Sean looked around, but saw nothing but the hill. "Fergive me manners boy, I could at least introduce meself. Galenrude, King of the Faeries, at yer humble service", and he gave a sweeping bow. Sean couldn't help himself, but let slip a little laugh. "Sean, at your service your highness", and he laughed again. "But, you don't look much like a king. I don't mean to offend good sir, but you just look like an ugly little gnome. Not like a faery at all". "No offense taken lad, yer only speakin yer mind. But I happen to disagree with ye. I'm thinkin I'm quite the dashing King", as he blew on his fingernails, and made as if to polish them on his shirt. "And, what might a farey look like me young friend, if they do not look like me?" "I'm not quite sure" said Sean. "But not like a little gnome. I'd expect one to be a tiny thing. light as air, with little wings". "Ah, I'm seein now. Like in books and on TV? Never had much use fer TV meself, when I can see every day the show that the Mother puts on fer us here. And, there are many kinds a fey me lad, not just just the wee little ones. We're the guardians of the land me lad, and take on many forms". "My mother says faeries don't exist, that they're just make believe" "An, if me mother said ye didn't exist, would that make it so? Mothers are some wise things, tis true, but they don't know all". Sean didn't quite believe his words, but it was a nice day and he was such a pleasant little man, that he didn't wish to argue it. "Ah, I'm still fergettin me manners, it's been such a long long time since I've had company of yer sort ye see. It's been a long morning now, perhaps ye've gron hungry? I could offer ye a little spot of lunch". And he brought forth a little basket, that Sean hadn't seen him holding. Just like it appeared out of the air. They sat side by side and ate their lunch, and gazed out over the field. They talked from time to time, nothing much, just a little of this, and a little of that. Sean was a bit suprised to see, that from time to time, little birds would fly down to them, and settle on Galenrudes shoulder. Sometimes after a tasty treat, and sometimes just to sing in his ear. A little squirrel hopped up to them, and sat up on his feet. Sean wasn't quite sure, but it looked to him like the squirrel was asking for food. Galnerude just laughed at him, and said "Go on, be on yer way. Yer a young thing now, and ye've got to learn, to find yer food each day. I'd not be helpin ye, before ye really learn, to share this little bit of food, now would I little one". And the squirrel chattered it's agreement, and hopped off on its way. Now, Sean was coming to believe, that maybe what this little man had said was true. He seemed to have a magick about him, and nature seemed his friend. He sat back with his new friend, and just enjoyed the view. He lost himself in the song of the field, and felt he could stay there forever. A while later, he felt a nudge, that brought him from his reverie. He looked to Galenrude, who pointed to the sky, and he couldn't believe how low the sun had settled in the west. He could hardly believe that much time had passed. "Ye'd best be gettin back me lad. Tis getting dark, and we wouldn't want yer mum to be havin herself a fit now, would we?" Sean didn't want to leave this place, but he knew his new friend was right, so, even if reluctantly, he climbed up to his feet. "I'll walk with ye for a bit, to the edge of me woods" and off to the trail they went. Just at the edge of the trees, a doe crossed their path, and Sean froze in his tracks. Deer are such timid things, and he didn't want to cause it fright, but Galenrude just walked on, and walked right up to her. "Hullo me darlin, and how are we today? How're the nippers doin, growin stronegr every day? I'd like you to meet young Sean, I'd be callin him our friend". And the doe walked right up on Sean, and nuzzled against his arm, then she went back on her way. "This is as far as I'll be goin lad. I'm pleased that I was meetin ya today, and yer welcome back any day". "I'm happy to have met you as well, but one thing I'd like to ask. You said you're the King of the Faeries, but if this is true, why are you the only one I've seen?" "Ah, me lad, this is a magick place. Ye've just got to believe. When the time is right, ye'll see me folk, ye just need to learn all that yer eyes can see. I know that ye have magick in yer heart, and that yer spirit is pure. Truth be told, ye wouldnot have found this path, if those things hadn't been so". Sean stood there a minute, and pondered these words, and thought he'd give it a chance. "Now, off with ye lad, before it gets too late. And know that yer always welcome here, so come bac any time ye like. And maybe yer father along, it's been far, far too long. He's like a kindred spirit to me he is, and I miss his company so. Now, farewell, and merry we part, until we be meetin again". His father? His father knew of this place? He wanted to ask Galenrude about this, and so many other things, but the ugly little gnome had started back down the path, headed for his hill and home. Sean waved goodbye and turned to go, but turned back to wave once more. Before his eyes, the ugly little gnome suddenly seemed to glow. His ugly little face turned to the handsomest Sean had seen, and gossamer wings seemed to sprout from his back, and then he took to the air. And hundred of little faery folk seemed to suddenly cover the field, dancing amidst the flowers, and soaring and laughing above. The magick was real, and what the ugly little man said was true? Then the field was gone, and Sean was once more on the path. It was getting late and growing dark, so he hurried on his way. Somehow the path he was on, opened not far from his house. He ran the last yards and burst thru the door, and gave his mother a big hug. Then he went to his fathers den, to deliver the invitation he had. "How was your day son?" asked his father, as he looked up from his evening reading. "It was just great dad. I found a great place, and even met a new friend. And by the way, Galenrude asks that you come back and visit, he said it's been so long". And a smile spread upon his fathers face, a grin from ear to ear. And he came to an understanding of things. "Yes, it ha been too long my son. Since I was near your age. It seems that as I grew older, I've forgotten that he was there. I'd forgotten the magick was real". |
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