
Spirituality Page: Chants and Songs
To Fly
By Sanja
© Sanja. Used with permission.
Author's Biography: I am a 25 year old mother of a 5 year old boy. I was born and grew up in Croatia, and later moved to Britain, where I live with my husband and our son in a nice little Pagan-friendly town. I studied physics and at the
moment I'm finishing my degree. I was brought up by atheist parents and, after trying out a number of both conventional and unconventional religious paths, I have found Wicca about a year ago. I play a guitar, write an odd song or two and absolutely love reading anything I can get my hands on.
To fly,
To fly on the wings of a dragon
To the places yet unseen
High in the air, on the winds cold and warm…
To learn,
To learn from the ancient wisdom
The secrets yet untold
High in the air, ever to learn some more…
To dream,
To dream of the sea and the stars
And the battles yet unfought*
High in the air, on the bed of clouds above…
To find,
To find the truth in my heart
And meet the Powers old
High in the air or deep oceans below…
To feel,
To feel the Sun warmth and Moon ray
And see the storm unfold
High in the air, filling me with joy…
To hear,
To hear the call of the wild
And learn to talk to trees
High in the air, the sound carrying me…
To be,
To be the one with the Goddess
And one with Horned God
High in the air, or deep inside my heart.