Spirituality Page: Chants and Songs

Round and Round

© Sanja. Used with permission.

Author's Biography: I am a 25 year old mother of a 5 year old boy. I was born and grew up in Croatia, and later moved to Britain, where I live with my husband and our son in a nice little Pagan-friendly town. I studied physics and at the moment I'm finishing my degree. I was brought up by atheist parents and, after trying out a number of both conventional and unconventional religious paths, I have found Wicca about a year ago. I play a guitar, write an odd song or two and absolutely love reading anything I can get my hands on.

Round and around in the circle we walk
Round and around in the circle we dance
Round and around and around and around
We walk round and around and the circle is cast.

Round and around in the circle we walk,
We stop in the East and we greet mighty winds
Round and around, with the Air at our side
We walk round and around and the circle is cast.

Round and around in the circle we walk,
We stop in the South and we greet blazing Fire
With the Air at our side and the Fire in our hearts
We walk round and around and the circle is cast.

Round and around in the circle we walk
We stop in the West and we greet waters cold
With the Air at our side and the Fire in our hearts
Swimming in the waters cold and the circle is cast.

Round and around in the circle we walk
We stop in the North and we greet Mother Earth
With the Air and the Fire and the Water and the Earth
We walk round and around and the circle is cast.