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Craft Ideas: December 2003

© Theresa Smith. Used with permission.

Author's Biography: Theresa has been nice enough to donate several articles and chants to PaganParenting.com


Most snowflake or fall leaf crafts can merely be reinterpreted for the pagan child if you relate these crafts to nature and not to thanksgiving, Christmas etc. they work really well.

A Nifty non-traditional nativity with fimo

Great figurines of the Gods and Goddesses and the spirits of air, water, fire and earth can be created out of substances like Fimo and then baked to become permanent figurines. Almost all children of varying ages will be entranced with this craft project as it caters to all levels of abilities.

Gifts for the God and Goddess

Remember to make gifts for the God and Goddess too and Mother's and Father's Days

Paper Plate Masks

Wishing it was still Halloween instead of winter? You can make Jack O Lantern masks from paper plates. In fact almost any mask of any kind can be made from a paper plate, and kids can use them ritually too.

Wrapping Paper

Use a paintbrush and gold, silver, copper, etc., paint to paint swirled designs, pentacles etc. onto the (dried) artwork, use as wrapping paper for gifts etc. (Also a great way to avoid Christmas wrapping paper)


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